Fais fab DC socket 3C cable los ua ke
Electronic Wire harness Fais fab DC socket 3C cable los ua ke
MX4.2mm Hlau los ua ke Custom Wire Harness
4.2mm 20P Housing Auto Connector Wire Harness
Nws pib connector, PVC, dub, Plug ncaj vaj tse, ntawm qhov (socket) ncaj tsev, cable ntev: customized
Spec: Automotive hluav taws xob xaim hlua
Kev kos duab: Hu rau peb
Hoobkas customized waterproof M8 5pin rau vaj tse 5P hlau hlua
Sensor Actuator Hlau hlua
Khoom siv: tooj liab yas, PVC, Plug ncaj M8, ntawm qhov (socket) ncaj M8, cable ntev: customized
RJ11 qhov (socket) 4Pin Poj Niam Hlau hlua
RJ11 Qhov (socket) 616E 4p4c Hlau hlua
Khoom siv: Tinned Copper, PVC, RJ11 Poj niam lub qhov (socket), Ntev: customized, RJ11 Poj niam 4Pin
PH0.8mm Hluav taws xob hlau hlua
Hluav taws xob hlau hlua 6 tus pin suab 0.8mm customized cable los ua ke rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sib txuas
0.5mm 0.8mm 1.0mm 1.25mm ffc flat cable AWM20624 80C 60V VW-1 1-80P for display screen board to board
Tuam Tshoj ODM Cable Chaw tsim tshuaj paus. 0.5mm 0.8mm 1.0mm 1.25mm ffc flat cable AWM20624 80C 60V VW-1 1-80P for display screen board to board
Spec: Customized
Unit Nqe: Hu rau peb
Kev kos duab: Hu rau peb
Daim Ntawv Thov: Siv dav hauv cov khoom siv sib txuas lus, Computer, pc laptop PCB Consumer electronics Mechanical device, Industrial area.
4.2mm MOLEX 430251200 3pin vaj tse rau Cigarette lighter plug hlau hlua rau tsheb
4.2mm MOLEX 3P Housing Car Wire Harness
Sensor / actuator hlau sam xauv nees, PVC, dub, shielded, Cigarette lighter plug, cable ntev: customized, Ntawv nyiaj shielding plus ntws hlau
RJ11 Poj niam 616E 4p4c connector rau davhlau ya nyob twg thaiv vaj tse hlau sam xauv nees
RJ11 Poj Niam 4Pin connector rau vaj tse hlau hlua
Khoom siv: Tinned Copper, PVC, RJ11 Poj niam lub qhov (socket), Length: customized, RJ11 Poj niam rau vaj tse